STOP! Before you look at the pictures on this page, just be warned that you might find it slightly freaky to see me doing things like trying on a gas mask. I'm just trying to give you a taste of our experience here, I'm not trying to mock the seriousness of the situation. If we seem silly in the photos it's just because under these circumstances, sometimes the only way to deal with things is with humor. So, if you feel comfortable, please continue...
Erica and I hold essential war preparation materials: Gas masks (in the boxes), emergency handbooks, and, of course, popcorn and candy.
Me with materials and instructions for making our sealed room
Matt opens his mask for the first time
Matt and I work on sealing the windows in his apartment
Trying it on to make sure it fits correctly (it doesn't have the filter on it yet)
These guys all had to shave their beards to make sure their gasmasks would seal tightly